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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
assam gold LINE plywood 19
assam gold cup +cup & sauce 30
assam golden TF 19
assam herbal dhoop +bowl 3
assam ki AMRIT GOLD cha +cu 30
assam special MARUTI ZEN te 30
assam tea +elephants 30
assam tuff 19
assam yellow pages (LABEL) 16
assam yellow pages +rhino 16
assam's AMRIT +cup & saucer 30
assam's FIVE STAR TEA +star 30
assam's MAYURI +peacock 30
assam-GRIN +oval 19
assam-valley 19
9 A.M. assam c.t.c. leaf te 30
AAB assam in devnagari 30
ACHARYA'S SUN assam tea +cu 30
AD assam GREEN +leaf 19
ADPS assam gold 30
AMBA assam fresh +pot & cup 30
AVT assam 30
AVT assam +plants & rhino 30
BALOON assam +baloons 30
CLASSIC assam 19
DALOWJAN assam tea 30
DIL PASAND chah assam gold 30
GD cha assam golden 30
GENIE'S assam tea +rhino 30
GIGNAR assam tea +woman 30
GIRNAR liquid GOLD assam 30
GN assam SHAKTI +cup saucer 30
GP assam 19
JAI assam ply & board 19
JAY assam +cup & saucer 30
KARISHMA assam dust tea 30
KARISHMA assam tea +pot cup 29, 30
KRISHNA assam tea +plants 35
LALIT assam tea +oval 30
LOVE BIRDS assam brew 30
MAST assam premium tea 30
METRO assam tiger +tiger 19
MUSHK assam 30
NATARAJ assam tea +god 30
PLANTER'S CHOICE assam tea 30
PRABHAT assam tea 30
RANA assam tea +soldier 30
RATAN assam premium 30
RED RIBBON assam tea +cup 30
ROYAL assam 30
ROYAL assam plywoods 19
S.K.T. assam garden fresh 30
SBW jai assam 19
SHAHI ctc assam tea +crown 30
SHANTI assam choicest tea 30
SUMANBARI assam tea 30
TAMANNA assam tea 30
TARANG ctc assam tea +plant 30
TARGETT assam salute +cow 30
TRIMURTI assam ctc +idol 30
TULSI pure assam tea +plant 30
UPPER assam tea +cup saucer 30
VIKRAM assam tea +sun 30
VIKRANT NO. 11 assam tea co 30
WILLIAMSON tea assam 30
golden assam +dancing girl 30
golden upper assam tea 30
national AW assam WOODART 19
tip top pure assam ctc tea 30
THREE IN ONE assamees 3
AFGHAN in assamese 3
AMAZON in assamese 35
AMBUJA cement in assamese 19
ANSUL in assamese 34
BATA in assamese 25
BSC in assamese 25
DECIS in assamese 5
GRIHA SHOBHA in assamese 16
H HANUMAN in assamese 16
HORLICKS in assamese 30
JUNGLEE in assamese 35
NOJON in assamese 19
SARAL in assamese 19
TAJO in assamese 32
TAZO in assamese 30
WASP in assamese 7
BIOZYME in assami 1
TATA SWACH in assami 11
QIAGEN the sample & assay c 1, 5, 9, 42
PMP rotor assembly 9
MCDONALD'S in assemese 32
MCDONALD'S in assemmese 29, 30
ATTEST complete assessment 9
I-AM individual assessment 16
assessment 41
asset PRESERVE +oval 36
asset preserve 36
asset preserve +oval 9
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